Saturday 28 March 2015

social addiction

I know we are all living in the era where everyone must be shared. people buy food to let others know what they are eat daily, people buy new dress to let other know what they going to wear for the next week, and people hangout to show how big is their social circle and connection. 

and to be honest, i also one of them.

then one day i wake up, something struck me and make me think "how long can you survive without social media?"
It made me realize, am i addicted to those likes that i got when i post nice pictures, why did i became happy if someone saw me going to places, but not really happy of those place itself. it struck me hard that i challenge myself to face it. that i was addicted to it. 
by admitting it doesn't mean i suddenly be able to stop these issues. but at least i try, to slowly changes this addiction to another positive things. but most of all i try to enjoy the REAl things i do.

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